We're here to connect with you! Your thoughts, questions, and feedback are important to us. Feel free to reach out to us through:
Kon. Wilheminalaan 5
3818 HN Amersfoort
The Netherlands
Don't hesitate to contact us anytime. We appreciate your interest and look forward to building a connection with you.
If you are seeking reimbursement for expenses, please follow the steps below:
Fill out the Reimbursement Form:
To initiate the reimbursement process, kindly complete our Reimbursement Form. This form helps us gather essential details about your expenses. You can download the form here https://myecpm.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/ECPYouthFiles/EWwKMCL8CfJKidFseiArIMYBSgLmaYiiAvBnKoF_l3LqYw?e=LpTX7E
Attach All Receipts:
Ensure that you attach all relevant receipts for the expenses you are seeking reimbursement for. Clear and detailed receipts help expedite the processing of your reimbursement request.
Submit the Form and Receipts:
Once the form is filled out, and receipts are attached, submit the documents to treasurer@ecpyouth.eu
Our team will review your submission promptly and keep you updated on the status of your reimbursement. If you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to reach out to our treasurer@ecpyouth.eu
Bank account Account holder: ECPYouth
Bank: Rabobank Amersfoort e.o., P.O. Box 620, 3800 AP Amersfoort, The Netherlands
IBAN: NL 77 RABO 0111 5743 74
BIC (swift code): RABO NL 2U
For countries not using the IBAN-system:
Dutch bank account number: 1115.743.74