The European Christian Political Youth (ECPYouth) is a political association of youth organizations from all over Europe. We are the independent youth organization of the European Christian Political Movement. We aim to reflect and work on Christian-democratic politics in Europe from an explicit Christian-social view. We build our political views on the foundation of relational thinking, which we see as the heart of Christian-democracy. We wish to inspire and equip youth with skills, because we are convinced that young people should play a key role in politics.
ECPYouth was established in July 2004 in Kortenberg, Belgium. Since then ECPYouth has been steadily growing. Currently, ECPYouth consists of 8 Member Organisations and 10 Individual Members. If you would like to be involved as an Individual Member, please click here. Would you like to see your organisation involved in ECPYouth, please click here.
Odessa Declaration
In July 2017 the ECPYouth General Assembly adopted the Odessa Declaration, that sets out a political vision for ECPYouth, based on the three core values catholicity, dignity and cooperation. Here you can find more information about the ECPYouth values.

Mission Statement
The European Christian Political Youth Network has a clear mission statement: ”To build together on Christian politics in Europe by collaboration, exchange of experience and active participation.”
Official Documents
Please find below the most recent versions of ECPYouth Statutes, Bylaws and Code of Conduct, adopted by the ECPYouth General Assembly.