Christian Changemakers
Welcome to the fourth edition of one-of-a-kind political training that has been transforming lives of young Christian politicians across Europe!

Changemaking starts within from inner values and convictions that are transitioned outwards. For this, we have designed a training that uncovers your deepest beliefs and gives you a toolbox for standing your ground with confidence. You will join a multidimensional half-of-the-year course along the best trainers, politicians, and practitioners who will introduce you to the intricate art of public speaking, debating, parliamentary speaching, resolution-writing, and media communication. You will develop a political campaign and strengthen a profile around a political topic that is related to your calling. All of this while being supported by a team of mentors and coaches. CCM will inspire, equip, and connect you to become the impactful Christian Changemaker. After finishing the program, you will know your place in politics and will have the necessary tools to take that place.
Are you ready for your life to be changed and Europe with you? Apply now for our newest edition of Christian Changemakers.

The program aims to substantially deepen your Biblical worldview and develop a thoughtful relational perspective to contemporary challenges. As a participant, you will get an in-depth introduction to modules on Biblical Foundations, Economy and Politics to develop a comprehensive vision on how a Europe of your dreams should be governed.

CCM equips you with the practical skills to stand firm and communicate your political convictions in a diverse multicultural and polarized environment. For this, me meet you at three in-person events across Europe to practice debating, public speaking, media exposure, and campaigning to build a coherent political profile that will make your career thrive.

The Bible studies, coaching sessions and prayers are an integral part of the program designed to celebrate and strengthen your Christian character. We uncover your deepest convictions and work with you as the person to understand the unique vision God has for you as a Changemakers in your community.

Change cannot happen on itself. CCM creates the environment of an ongoing networking, brainstorming, social activities, campaigning, mentorship dinners, and personal support to exchange resources and support you on your journey. Expect not only a likeminded community of Christian thinkers and politicians from all over Europe, but a family for a long time.
Schedule of events

Frequently asked questions
What is the participation fee?
The participation fee is €200. In this price, hotels and food are included. Travel costs remain the responsibility of the participant. Once you have applied, the leadership will contract you about the payment form.
How do I apply?
Send your CV and motivational letter to to apply for this program. Afterwards, the leadership of the program will contact to explain more about the application process. This includes an interview.
Can I combine this program together with my studies and work?
Yes, that is possible. We have 3 in-person events which are mandatory to attend. Besides that, we have online sessions which are also mandatory, but usually organized in the evening. The workload per week is around two hours per week.
What is the value of this program?
We train you in various skills. Think about debating, public speaking, writing, etc. We train you to become a future leader. Check our Instagram to see the stories of our alumni.
What topics will we be working on?
We cover all contemporary challenges regarding the EU. But, during the program, you will be focusing on one topic, preferably from our political program. You can find the program under Forward in Faith '24.
What are the requirements?
To be considered as a participant, you need to meet the following criteria: 18-35 years old; Running for national or European elections, have an ambition to run for an office or want to work in the political sphere; Have strong Christian values; Members of Member Organizations or individual member of ECPYouth are encouraged to apply; Be willing to commit; Responsibly approach the activities and homework assignments.
For more questions, contact: