Forward in Faith '24

Forward in Faith | European Elections '24

Why should you vote for the European Elections?

The European Elections are coming closer and closer. From the 6th till the 9th of June, all citizens of EU Member States will head to the polls to cast their votes. Therefore, campaigns for the European Elections are getting underway. ECPYouth is set to launch the campaign at the 2nd of March in Strasbourg. But before we launch, we want you to know first: why should you vote? Our campaign leader Jonathan explains it to you!

Forward in Faith | Campaign launch video

ECPYouth launched its campaign for the European elections on March 2nd in Strasbourg, France with the slogan: Forward in Faith. Forward in Faith means guided by Biblical values that can guide us through the next 5 years. But also: Faith in joint cooperation between different visions and parties. Together, we can move the EU forward. Not in polarization, but in faith.

Wonder who should you vote for ?


Anja Haga

Dutch Member of European Parliament on behalf of ChristenUnie (Christian Union) and ECPM. She succeeded MEP Peter van Dalen (CU/ECPM) in September 2023

Bert-Jan Ruissen

Dutch Member of European Parliament on behalf of SGP (Reformed Political Party) and ECPM


Cristian Terheș

Romanian Member of the European Parliament on behalf of PNCR (Romanian National Conservative Party) and ECPM


Helmut Geuking

German Member Eropean Parliament on behalf of the Familien Partei (Family Party) and ECPM

Karin Heepen

German politician and president of BundnisC - Christen fur Deutschland. Heepen holds a degree in civil engineering and cross-cultural leadership.


Márton Gyöngyösi

Hungarian Member of European Parliament representing Jobbik Konzervativok (Jobbik Conservatives) and ECPM


Jean-Frédéric Poisson

French author, writer, philosopher and an experienced politician driven by the fight to protect human dignity, freedom and family values.


Mindaugas Puidokas

Lithuanian politician currently serving his second term in the Seimas (Lithuanian Parliament). He is president of the LKDP (Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party)


Jūlija Stepanenko

Latvian lawyer and politician. She was member of the Saeima (Latvian Parliament) for two terms, 2014-2022, receiving significant voter support in the 2018 parliamentary elections.

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