Resolution on Prevention of sexual crimes

The Board of ECPYouth, 

Considering ECPYouth Odesa Declaration which emphasizes the freedom, dignity and inviolability of every human being,

Considering that both the Istanbul Convention and a MEP highlights the importance of consent,

Considering that 1 out of 5 children in Europe are victims of various forms of sexual violence, including sexual touching, rape, grooming, sexual harassment and many more, Considering that people with disabilities are more prone to become victims of rape,

Considering that any form of sexual abuse leaves scars for life and post – traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),

Considering the European Commission proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating violence against women and domestic violence,

Considering that human beings are created in the image and likeness of God and therefore never should be assaulted,

Considering no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment according to United Nations,

Stressing that using another person’s body to satisfy one’s personal sexual wants and needs without consent is a violation of a person’s human dignity, freedom and other fundamental rights,

Stressing that many cases of rape go unreported in fear of the victim being discriminated by society,

Stressing the importance of raising awareness about the manipulative tricks and traps of the perpetrators,

Stressing that the citizens of the countries who are not part of the EU are suffering as much from this crime,

Emphasizing the importance of necessity of opportunities for building a new life in terms of education, work, financial support and psycho-social therapy as requirements to step out, and therefore combat rape,

Calls upon all members of the EU Parliament, especially of the ECPM

1. To encourage developing and implementing awareness campaigns/educational programmes about rape (not forgetting the countries outside of EU).

2. To recommend the creations of National Funds of assistance in rehabilitation of the perpetrator (both during and after jail time).